Our Mission

Our Mission

“To end food and housing insecurity, in PHX AZ, through Intersectional Activism and Integrated Community Action.“

Our Vision

“Everyone living unhoused in PHX has the resources and opportunities to live with comfort and safety. “

“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom”

— Nelson Mandela

 What We Do

Each week our all-volunteer team, alongside partner orgs, hosts multiple recurring community event. Our fully open events provide reliable access to: food. water, blankets, tents, harm reduction supplies, safer sex materials , hygiene items, general use living supplies, clothing, period products, pet care items, HIV & Hepatitis C testing, Medicare support and bus passes.

We maintain multiple community support fridges around PHX. This previous year we were able to share approximately 3000 gallons of cold water directly with folx living unsheltered.

We also are working to address the roots of the housing crisis and related shelter crisis. We spend our time advocating for people where they may be unable, at city council, or directly with city rulers. We engage the housed population with literature and the information we have learned at large community events.

Feed Phoenix has organized community support events in the form of food box events, community fairs, rallies for public engagement, vaccination drives and over 250+ free markets for the community.

We are working to open emergency and bridge shelters, and community centers for anyone experiencing crisis

Ultimately we want to build an extreme heat-resistant, parallel, community food and housing system through education and the use of land conscious practices.

Where we were

June 2020, a collection of artists started a community support group. We wanted to do something about the severe lack of resources for people living in Phoenix, AZ 85007. We simply asked our neighborhood, what they needed and what they could provide. We began by offering food to the unsheltered community living in the parks around DTPHX.

Where We are

Every Thursday, Friday and Sunday we host Community Events. We partner with many organizations, and encourage all to join. We share food, clothing, harm reduction supplies, hygiene items, comfort items, access to available housing resources and actively advocate for several hundred people each week. We enjoy a spirited, friendly atmosphere at our events, as we continue to bridge the divide between the Housed and Unhoused Communities.

Where We Will Be

We work with other Community organizations to connect people with resources necessary to transition to permanent housing. We intend to open an emergency shelter in DTPHX and eventually, many small Community support sites throughout the city. We intend to assist all of our neighbors end housing and food insecurity in the valley.